Google Ad Grants: The Ultimate Guide

Since 2003, Google Ad Grants have been empowering nonprofits to communicate, recruit, fundraise, and more. The grants provide up to $10,000 worth of ads per month to qualifying nonprofits. While many organizations won’t need the full amount to achieve their goals, these grants offer the potential to significantly increase your organization’s reach and provide the flexibility to grow alongside your nonprofit. In summary, they are a powerhouse tool that can supercharge a nonprofit’s progress toward its goals. However, to fully capitalize on this incredible opportunity, nonprofits need to understand how to obtain, manage, and maximize the benefits of their grant. We’ve compiled this ultimate guide, which includes everything you need to know to obtain and maximize the Google Ad Grant for your nonprofit organization. Nonprofit Megaphone specializes in Google Ad Grant management so we know all the ins and outs. We will tell you everything you need to know.

Table Of Contents

What is the Google Ad Grant?

Think of the Google Ad Grant as your nonprofit’s secret weapon. You can use it to reach your supporters, spread awareness, make more of an impact, and more. Perhaps you’ve heard of the Google Ad Grant, or maybe this is the first time you’ve seen the name. Either way, don’t worry — you aren’t missing out any longer.

Put simply, the Google Ad Grant provides approved nonprofits with $10,000 in ad credits per month to spend on ads that appear in Google searches. Sheryl Sandberg, now the CEO of Facebook, created the program, allowing nonprofits to reach new audiences online and expand their impact worldwide.

How Does The Google Ad Grant Work?

Have you ever typed something into Google and noticed the ads that appear towards the top of the screen? For example, let’s say you want to purchase a pair of soccer cleats, so you conduct a search on Google. At the top of the page, you will probably find ads from retailers like Nike, Adidas, and so forth. These retailers purchase this ad space to appear in your search results. They know if they appear high in your results, you’re more likely to purchase a pair of cleats from them. If a pair of Adidas cleats strike your fancy and you click on their link, Adidas then pays Google for that click. For Adidas, the ad price is worth it because they just might score a sale.

The Google Ad Grant does the exact same thing. It allows you to place your own ads in highly ranked spots for free. For example, imagine you are an animal rescue organization and you have dogs available for adoption. You could advertise to people in your geographic area who are searching for dog adoptions. When they enter the search, your ad may appear at the top of the results. The user is more likely to click your ad when you are listed at the top. When they click on the ad, they will be directed to your site.

With funding from the Google Ad Grant, your nonprofit’s site can appear in the top results on Google without costing you a penny. Basically, Google pays for the clicks you receive. You receive up to $10,000 per month for these clicks. Depending on how many people are searching for what you provide, you can reach a lot of people for free using the Google Ad Grant. It’s a wonderful program, and we think probably one of the most underutilized resources that nonprofits have available today.

Who is Eligible for the Google Ad Grant?

It’s important to note that you must be a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization in the United States or hold a similar status in one of the 50 countries that have been added so far. See which countries are currently eligible here.

Your organization must not be a hospital, a school or college, or a governmental institution. However, philanthropic arms of educational institutions may still be eligible.

Once that is determined, your organization must:

  • Be registered with Google for Nonprofits.
  • Have a functional website as recognized by Google.
  • Adhere to the program policies for using your Google Grant funding. For example, you can’t use your Google Ad Grant funds to promote anything outside the scope of your nonprofit’s mission, and you can’t use the money to sell products that don’t contribute to your organization’s charitable efforts.
  • Agree to the terms of service for Google for Nonprofits and Google Ads.

For more in-depth details on eligibility, check out our article “Google Ad Grant Eligibility Explained.”

What are the Benefits of the Google Grant?

While getting the Ad Grant isn’t necessarily difficult, many nonprofit professionals already have enough on their plates.  You might be wondering why you should spend time applying for a Google Ad Grant, but we believe that it’s well worth your time. Here’s why:

Increasing Website Traffic

First and foremost, the Google Ad Grant pushes valuable traffic to your website. Google Ads direct interested readers to volunteer opportunities, donation pages, pet adoptions, classes, webinars, events, or key information about community development. The Google Ad Grant brings your valuable news and information to the top of search results, which allows your content to be seen more, particularly by those who are most likely to engage with it.

Reach Your Current Donors More Effectively

Effective communication with donors is a common challenge for many nonprofit professionals. It’s tough increasing email open rates, encouraging social media shares, and ensuring your supporters see your calls to action. Reaching your fundraising goals often depends on the visibility of your content and whether or not it is visible to those who are already engaged with your cause.

The Google Ad Grant offers a powerful way to enhance your communication. While these ads don’t replace direct email outreach, they significantly boost your online visibility, ensuring that your messages reach more of your existing supporters.

Market Multiple Campaigns at the Same Time

With the Google Ad Grant, you aren’t limited to just one ad campaign. You have the flexibility to try multiple keyword campaigns simultaneously. Your landing pages, the web pages you’ll promote via Google Ads, are critical to your success. Selecting pages that align closely with users’ search intents is essential. For instance, direct someone searching for “animal shelter volunteering” to a volunteer signup page, and someone searching for “donate to refugees” to a donation form.

What Can the Google Ad Grant be Used To Promote?

We’ve explored what the Google Ad Grant is and what it has to offer, but what can that mean in practical terms? It is so much more than just driving traffic to your website! Let’s explore a few ways that nonprofit organizations can put Google Ad Grants to work for themselves in more creative and effective capacities.

  • Informing and educating the public by attracting new visitors
  • Selling tickets for performances, events, and webinars
  • Driving in-person actions, such as adopting animals
  • Recruiting volunteers to advance the organization’s mission or work on a cause
  • Advocating by galvanizing grassroots activism, signing petitions, and contacting elected officials
  • Promoting donation and sponsorship opportunities to generate funds
  • Building an audience by attracting new subscribers to newsletters

As you can see, fully utilizing the Google Ad Grant does not end with simply increasing web traffic. Instead, using carefully-targeted ads can promote your events, inform the public, recruit passionate supporters, and contribute to the causes you care about. The work you do matters – the Grant ensures that your efforts are seen by as many people as possible.

You can view more case studies that highlight the effectiveness of skilled Google Ad Grant management here.

Which Nonprofits Benefit the Most?

Many organizations, especially smaller nonprofits, question whether they are the right size to take full advantage of the Google Ad Grant. Although applying to a grant with a company as big as Google might seem intimidating, the grant is designed with all nonprofits in mind. Just because you have a smaller team doesn’t mean that you can’t benefit from the Google grant.

The main factors that determine the potential value of the Google Grant for your organization include:

  • How many people are searching for the topics that your organization deals with?
  • Do you have content on your website that speaks to those topics?

The answers to these questions are not dependent on how large or small your organization may be! Several small nonprofits serve large audiences and have the website content their target population is looking for. These nonprofits do very well with the Google Ad Grant.

In fact, smaller nonprofits benefit from the Google Ad Grant because the grant levels the playing field across nonprofits of all sizes. The ad credits provided are the same, no matter the size.

There a lot of myths when it comes to the Google Ad Grant. You can learn more about the common Google Ad Grant myth’s here.

How Do Nonprofits Obtain The Google Ad Grant?

Google Ad Grants Acquisition

To apply for a Google Ad Grant, you need to sign up for Google for Nonprofits first. Then, you’ll be ready to work through the Ads registration and approval process following Google’s guidelines with the help of your Google Ad Grant manager.

Once you have verified your organization’s eligibility for the Google Ad Grant, there are a few tasks you need to complete before you are ready to complete your application. Let’s take a look.

If you are already a member of Google for Nonprofits, skip to point 3.

  1. If you have not previously registered your organization with, then sign up for an account. TechSoup provides discounts and other services that you may find worthwhile in their own right, but also provides a Validation Token that Google uses to verify your eligibility.
  2. Use your TechSoup Validation Token to enroll with Google for Nonprofits. This application is fairly straightforward. Expect questions about your tax ID, non-discrimination policies, and general contact and organization information.
    • Along with Google Grants, Google also offers other benefits as part of their Google for Nonprofits program. Once you’re a registered “Google Nonprofit,” you can access the YouTube Nonprofit Program, Google Workspace, and other useful tools. 
  3. Make sure that you have Google Analytics installed on your website. Google Analytics must be integrated into your website prior to applying.

Now you are ready to begin the application process! 

  1. Submit your nonprofit’s website to Google for review. After your application for Google for Nonprofits has been approved and your nonprofit verified, you can access the Google Ad Grants application from your Google account. Log into your account, navigate to the “Products” menu, then select “Get Started” under Google Ad Grants.
  2. Build out a basic Google Ads account and submit that for approval. You’ll fill out the eligibility form and click the checkbox on the homepage to verify you completed the form. Hit “Activate,” and you’re done!
  3. Install Google Tag Manager on your website so you can set up some conversion goals for your site. Goals are trackable, valuable actions that you aim for your users to complete. By setting these goals, you guide your analytics tools to determine which pages or ads would create the most effective path for users to complete your desired task.
  4. Accept the invitation from Google. After a few business days, you should receive an email invitation from the Google Ad Grants team to join the program and set up your billing information. Now you’re ready to set up your account!

In the course of the application process, you will be asked whether you wish to sign up for a “Smart Campaigns” or a “Classic” Google Ads account.  To access the full suite of tools and options available to you, apply for the Classic version.

What To Do After Obtaining the Grant:

Now that you have the Grant, how can you get the most out of it?  Most organizations will not use the full $10,000 in monthly ad credits that the Grant gives. In fact, many nonprofits complete their goals without the full amount and still see unprecedented gains.

Ad credits do not roll over from month to month, so you will want to employ every strategy you can to ensure that your efforts produce the best possible results. Here are a few simple actions you can take to substantially improve your ads:

1. Run 3-5 Campaigns:

An optimal Google Ad account will have approximately 3 to 5 or more campaigns. With too many campaigns, you might find that they become too difficult to manage. Choose your campaigns based on what you want to advertise. For example, maybe you have one campaign for your blog and another for volunteering opportunities.

2. Keep Your Ad Groups Focused:

The ad groups that are featured within each campaign should be specific and intentional. For instance, if your organization is an animal shelter, you might have an “Adoption” campaign. Within that campaign, you will want to have a bundle of closely-related keywords and ads that target a wide variety of related phrases. For example, a campaign meant to promote adoptions for shelter animals could have this as its bundle of keywords: Adopt a dog, Adopt a cat, Adoptable dogs, Adoptable cats, Adopt don’t shop, Why animal adoption matters, Adopting a pet, Adopting an animal, Adopt animals near me

3. Use At Least 1 Responsive Search Ad Per Group:

Each ad group should have at least 3 ads, with one Responsive Search Ad. RSA’s allow you to use a variety of different headlines or descriptions, which Google will algorithmically mix and match in order to create the best possible click-through rate for you. Setting up an RSA can take a little more time than an ordinary ad, but it can be well worth it in terms of results.

4. Experiment With a Variety of Headlines and Descriptions:

Each ad should use the full allotment of headlines and descriptions. You will want to use as much of the character limit as possible in order to maximize  your ad space.

5. Use Ad Extensions as Often as Possible:

There are many ad extensions that may be useful, but there are a few that we think are necessary. They include:  callout extensions, which allow you to add short, attention-grabbing bullet point style phrases beneath your ad; sitelink extensions, which append links to other pages on your website; and call extensions, which help you to drive phone calls and allow mobile users to call with the press of a  button.

Now that you have an idea of what it takes to obtain, retain, and utilize the Google Ad Grant, and how to build effective campaigns and ads within Google Ads, let’s explore what it means to truly get the most out of the Grant.

How Do I Get the Most Out of the Google Ad Grant?

Getting the Google Ad Grant is one thing, but utilizing it to the fullest is another. Whether you are skilled in reading the trends, formulating optimized content, or have never promoted your cause online, we can all find ways to improve and grow.

Here are our top 5 tips that can help you get the most out of your Google Ad Grant, all without having to be an expert!

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1. Start With a Solid Website

Having a strong website is key to your success with the Google Ad Grant, but what does that mean in concrete terms? Here is a short list of characteristics that we use in our website assessment rubric to determine if a site is strong or requires some work:

  • Promotable Pages: Your website should have 10 or more “promotable pages.” Keep these pages focused on a single topic that has a lot of web traffic. Be sure to include a relevant call to action or next step for visitors to take. You should aim for at least 300 words.
  • Up-to-Date Content: Listed information for events should be up to date and featured on separate pages. Your website should also feature current, industry-related blog posts with searchable, broad topics that are between 700 and 1,500 words in length.
  • Google Tag Manager: Google Tag Manager should be installed in order to count important button clicks or conversions.
  • SSL Certificate: Your website must have an SSL certificate installed. You’ll know this is installed when a lock icon appears in the navigation bar and your URL is an “https:” instead of “http:” This means your website is secure, which is a requirement in Google’s policy.
  • Appreciation: Include success or “thank you” pages for all online forms or CTA’s. These should be unique landing pages that exist on your own URL once a user completes form or action.
  • Calls to Actions: Calls to Action that you wish to track should not leave your website to go to a third-party page, like EventBrite or Paypal.
  • PDF Content: Be sure that PDF content appears on it’s own landing page. Google’s policy does not allow Google Grant ads to direct to PDFs, whether it is downloaded or embedded.
  • Mobile Use: Ensure that your website is mobile friendly, since most people engage with the internet online.
  • Highlight Important Information: List your 501(c)3 number and EIN in your website’s footer.

Ultimately, you want your website to fit with your nonprofit’s brand and to create an enjoyable and easy user experience.

2. Track Important Conversions

Many people get caught up in the idea of having $10,000 per month to spend, aiming to use the entire amount. However, sometimes less is more. Instead of focusing on spending the full grant, it’s more important to pay attention to your results and conversion rates. Are visitors landing on your website and filling out sign-up forms? Are they making donations? Signing up to volunteer? Watching the videos you’ve created to educate them on important topics?

These are the outcomes that really matter. Google has structured the entire program so that you actually don’t focus on how much you spend. Instead, it’s best to focus on valuable conversions. Conversion rates, or the frequency in which users perform meaningful actions on your site are incredibly important.

Meaningful conversions, or key events, include both monetary and non-monetary objectives. Monetary actions include donations, ticket purchases, or member sign-ups. Non-monetary actions include email newsletter sign-ups, video views, or clicks on volunteering information.

These conversions mean that more people are interacting with your nonprofit, so you definitely want to keep an eye on them. Using Google Analytics, you can keep track of your goals so you can see which pages or entry points have the highest success rates.

3. Optimize Your Landing Pages

To optimize your landing pages, you’ll want to:

  • Include your ad’s keywords in the copy and headings of your page. This makes your page more relevant to search queries and improves your quality score.
  • Feature a strong call to action (CTA). This guides visitors toward taking the desired actions, such as donating or signing up for a newsletter.
  • Establish your brand identity by featuring your official colors and logo. Consistent branding helps build trust and recognition.
  • Include engaging imagery. Visual elements can make your landing page more compelling and help convey your message more effectively.
  • Have testimonials or other social proof that speaks to your legitimacy. Social proof can enhance credibility and persuade visitors to support your nonprofit.

Your landing pages are what will seal the deal for your marketing campaigns. Make sure each one prioritizes the user experience and makes it incredibly clear that supporting your nonprofit is the right choice for each visitor.

3. Understand Your Audience

Having excellent targeted ads, a strong website, and effective calls to action are all great, but they can still fall flat if your intended audience never sees them. For this reason, understanding your audience is crucial so that you can shape your content around their needs and how they’re searching for information.

Keyword research allows you to investigate the type of information that different demographics are trying to find online. By learning what your audience is searching for, you can tailor your ads so that it will be more likely to appear in front of them the next time that they make a Google search.

Anyone can conduct keyword research, but a little time and skill will help you to get the most of it. This HubSpot guide can help you learn more about the ins and outs of keyword research.

4. Monitor Performance

When it comes to the Google Ad Grant, upkeep is king. Like many tools, the Grant depends on your continued ability to monitor it’s performance and make adjustments as needed. Google provides a helpful suite of data that allows you to see which campaigns are working and which ones aren’t. Using these tools, you can continuously improve and reshape your ads to better suit what you’ve learned.

Because the Google Ad Grant renews monthly, you should continue to check on it to ensure that your nonprofit continues to comply with Google’s standards.

How to Maintain Compliance and Avoid Suspension:

Once you have the Google Ad Grant, you want to hold onto it. In order to keep your grant, you must remain compliant with Google’s rules. The Google Ad Grant renews monthly and suspensions happen, and so it is important that you maintain your account.

There are several reasons that a Google Ad Grant account could be suspended. Here are the most common:

  • Abusing the ad network or misrepresenting your organization
  • Losing your nonprofit status
  • Failing to meet Google for Nonprofits eligibility criteria
  • Needing re-verification (this is primarily for organizations who signed up for Google for Nonprofits prior to 2016)
  • Repeatedly violating Google’s Terms & Policies

Because of the Grant’s value and the potential to lose access, many organizations find it helpful to seek professional advice to maintain the Grant. In the event that your Google Ad Grant is suspended, Nonprofit Megaphone can help you seek reactivation and understand why it was suspended in the first place.

Consider Professional Google Ad Grant Management:

Now that you’ve seen the full potential of the Google Ad Grant, you might be feeling overwhelmed by the sheer amount of information. We understand. Our team trains for months before they maintain a Google Ad Grant account. Managing the grant effectively requires time, expertise, and ongoing optimization to truly maximize its benefits.

At Nonprofit Megaphone, we have a 100% success rate in acquiring the Google Ad Grant and currently manage over $48 million in ad dollars for nonprofits like yours. Our team can take the reins by creating tailored ad campaigns for your services, programs, or focus areas. We handle everything from selecting the most effective keywords to writing high-performing ads and continually testing different versions to enhance your results.

We are passionate about the causes our nonprofit partners champion. Whether you need help securing the grant, optimizing your campaigns, or simply want expert guidance to get the most out of this opportunity, we’re here to support you. If you think professional optimization, advice, and fine-tuning could be of assistance, connect with us here.


As you can see, the Google Ad Grant is a potential powerhouse for nonprofits of all sizes if properly utilized. Even so, a large percentage of nonprofits in the U.S. and beyond miss out on this opportunity because they do not know what the Grant does, how to apply, or how to use it to the fullest.

We hope that this guide will help countless organizations like yours to thrive, whether you implement the Grant on your own or partner with firms like us.

Looking for more helpful ways to keep your nonprofit thriving? Here are a few of our other resources:

By Jason Warne & Grant Hensel