Last updated 11/2/21. Written & researched by Emily Baxley.

Whether your nonprofit is large or small, you can’t get around the fact that managing your nonprofit requires an incredible amount of paperwork. To simplify the process for you, we’ve compiled the internet’s largest list of FREE nonprofit templates, worksheets, and guides you can use for anything and everything your organization might need. This list is updated regularly, so be sure to check back for new stuff!

Editor’s Note: While some of the links provided lead directly to the templates themselves, others require you to subscribe via email before downloading.

Essential Nonprofit Templates

How to Start A Nonprofit Checklist

Starting a nonprofit organization from the ground up requires a great deal of work. This checklist template covers all the basics – federal requirements, the board of directors, website, and more – so that you can start the process on the right foot.

How to Start A Nonprofit Checklist Template (Donorbox)

Articles of Incorporation

The articles of incorporation is a legal document you must file with the secretary of state to create your nonprofit organization. This process is called incorporating. In some states, the articles of incorporation are referred to as a certificate of incorporation or corporate charter.

Articles of Incorporation Template (Nonprofit Ally)

Articles of Incorporation Template (Northwest Registered Agent)

Articles of Incorporation Sample (Bolder Advocacy)


Bylaws are the rules a nonprofit creates for governing itself. Bylaws are established when starting a nonprofit and can help define the structure of your organization. Some states require nonprofits to have bylaws, but not all. Still, they can be helpful internally by providing direction and resolving conflict, and externally by demonstrating to the public that your nonprofit is responsibly managing its affairs.

Bylaws Templates (Nonprofit Ally)

Bylaws Template (NOLO)

Bylaws Template (Stanford Law School)

Bylaws Sample (NH Center for Nonprofits)

Bylaws Sample (Montana Nonprofit Association)

Meeting Minutes

Meeting minutes serve as the official written record of any meeting that occurs within a nonprofit. They typically describe what happened in the meeting, who attended the meeting, and which matters were discussed.

Meeting Minutes Template 1 (Google Docs)

Meeting Minutes Template 2 (Google Docs)

Meeting Minutes Templates (Microsoft Office)

Meeting Minutes Template (PandaDoc)

Meeting Minutes Template (Evernote)

Meeting Minutes Template (iWork)

Meeting Minutes Template (Rocket Lawyer)

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes Template (Propel)

Meeting Minutes Sample (Stanford Law)

Mission Statement Templates

Your nonprofit mission statement is a brief, simple statement that tells people what you do and why you exist. A mission statement template will help you craft the perfect mission statement for your nonprofit.

Mission Statement Template (Start Something Awesome)

Mission Statement Template (Smartsheet)

Mission Statement Template (Thomas Griffin)

Mission Statement Template (Fit Small Business)

Mission Statement Template (Bluleadz)

Vision Statement Templates

Your nonprofit’s vision statement is a concise, clear statement of your organization’s future direction and goals. Our vision statement template will help you craft a vision statement that will appeal to your nonprofit’s internal and external stakeholders.

Vision Statement Template (Start Something Awesome)

Vision Statement Template (Demand Metric)

Vision Statement Template (Smartsheet)

Vision Statement Template (Business in a Box)

Vision Statement Template (Bluleadz)

Board of Directors Templates

Board Annual Calendar

This sample calendar can serve as a jumping-off point for setting organized goals and directives for your board of directors for the year.

Board Annual Calendar Sample (Stanford Law School)

Board Code of Ethics

A code of conduct is needed to provide a guide for the ethical conduct of all board members, officers, and employees to help them identify and address ethical issues and provide a process for reporting unethical behavior.

Board Code of Ethics Template (Center for Nonprofit Leadership)

Board Composition Matrix/ Skills Inventory

A board composition matrix is a tool that nonprofits can use to chart the skills, talents, and other characteristics of each individual member of the board. It helps organizations identify any gaps in their team and build a well-rounded nonprofit board.

Board Composition Matrix Template (Mentor Central Ohio)

Board Composition Matrix Template (Rose Foundation)

Board Composition Matrix Template (501 Commons)

Board Composition Matrix Template (Successful Nonprofits)

Board Composition Matrix Template (NH Center for Nonprofits)

Board Composition Matrix Template (Center for Nonprofit Leadership)

Board Composition Matrix Template (CoreStrategies for Nonprofits)

Board Composition Matrix Sample (Cause & Effect Inc)

Characteristics of Board Members (The Moran Company)

Board Composition Policy

There is no one-size-fits-all ideal structure and composition for boards. A board composition policy helps nonprofits set their own standards for their board of directors by detailing the process for appointing directors, the tenure of directors, skill requirements, diversity requirements, and succession planning.

Board Composition Policy Sample (AHA)

Board Composition Policy Sample (Stanford Law School)

Board Consent Agenda

A consent agenda is commonly used in nonprofit board meetings to streamline the decision-making process so that the bulk of the time may be spent on substantive matters.

Consent Agenda Template and Tools (AFWA)

Consent Agenda Sample and Tools (BoardSource)

Consent Agenda Sample (Walla Walla Community College)

Consent Agenda Sample (YMCA Clifton Springs)

Board Development Pre-Assessment

Could your nonprofit’s board of directors be improved in any way? This simple pre-assessment form can help you take the first step in determining any areas of growth your board may have.

Board Development Pre-Assessment Worksheet (Center for Nonprofit Leadership)

Board Due Diligence Pre-Assessment Checklist

Joining the board of a nonprofit organization can be a positive, rewarding experience, but it can also be risky. This due diligence checklist was created to help prospective board members determine whether or not a board is safe to join.

Board Due Diligence PA Checklist (BoardWorks International)

Board Meeting Agenda

A board meeting agenda can help your nonprofit’s board stay on task and make the most of the time within a meeting. The agenda structure may be followed at every meeting to ensure consistency.

Board Meeting Agenda Template (Nonprofit Ally)

Board Meeting Timeline Sample (Stanford Law School)

Board Meeting Minutes Sample and Overview (Center for Nonprofit Leadership)

Board Meeting Evaluation Form

It’s likely that your nonprofit has some committees that run well and others that need improvement. This form can provide the board feedback on the effectiveness of various committee meetings.

Board Meeting Evaluation Template (The Moran Company)

Board Meeting Evaluation Template (Center for Nonprofit Leadership)

Board Member Activity Report

This form can help your nonprofit’s board track the activity and involvement of individual board members over the course of a year.

Board Member Activity Report Template (Center For Nonprofit Leadership)

Board Member Fund Development

These documents can help your nonprofit engage your board members in fund development by providing them with clear expectations, having them commit on a yearly basis, and guiding them in developing their own personal fundraising plan to support your nonprofit’s mission.

Preparing the Board for Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Checklist (NeonOne)

Fund Development Plan Template (Center for Nonprofit Leadership)

Board Member Agreement

A board member agreement outlines each board member’s commitment to uphold his or her duties and details the shared expectations of individual board members and the full board. Topics include: meeting and event attendance, behavioral norms, and financial commitments.

Board Member Contract Template (Center for Nonprofit Leadership)

Board Member Commitment Sheet (CoreStrategies for Nonprofits)

Board Commitment Form (National Council of Nonprofits)

Board Member Individual Self-Assessment

How effective are the members of your nonprofit’s board of directors? These self-evaluation tools will help the members of your board assess their own performances, successes, and areas of growth.

Board Member Self-Assessment Template (Center for Nonprofit Leadership)

Board Member Skills and Interest Inventory Template (CoreStrategies for Nonprofits)

Board Member Performance Expectations

If you want your nonprofits’ board to meet your expectations, you must be clear about what those expectations are. The document below is a great tools to help get the ball rolling as you think through what you need from the members of your board.

Board Member Expectations Worksheet (CoreStrategies for Nonprofits)

Board Member Orientation Materials

When appointing a new board member to your nonprofit’s board of directors, the following orientation materials may be a helpful way to introduce policies, practices, and expectations.

Board Orientation Checklist (NeonOne)

Board Orientation Chart Sample (NH Center for Nonprofits)

Board Self-Assessment

How effectively does your board of directors serve the mission of your nonprofit? This self-assessment form was designed to help your board gauge its effectiveness overall as a governing body within your organization.

Board Self-Evaluation Sample (NH Center for Nonprofits)

Board Self-Assessment Questionnaire (Stanford Law School)

Board Self-Evaluation Questionnaire (Dalhousie University)

Board Recruitment Forms

These screening forms are designed to help your nonprofit determine whether or not prospective board members are a good fit for your organization.

Prospective Board Member Evaluation Template (Center for Nonprofit Leadership)

Board Recruitment Interview Questions (CoreStrategies for Nonprofits)

Board Recruitment Plan Checklist (CoreStrategies for Nonprofits)

Board Referral Card

If your nonprofit accepts referrals for new potential board members, this card could be a useful way to keep track of that information.

Board Referral Card Template (CoreStrategies for Nonprofits)

Charter Templates

Audit Committee Charter

The audit committee selects and works with the auditor on the organization’s annual audit to provide oversight for a nonprofit’s governance, risk management, and internal control practices. The audit is generally an organization’s only outside review, making it an extremely important governance tool. An audit committee charter is drafted and approved by the board to enact the audit committee’s authority.

Audit Committee Charter Sample (NH Center for Nonprofits)

Audit Committee Charter Sample (National Council of Nonprofits)

Audit Committee Charter Sample (Stanford Law School)

Executive Committee Charter

The executive committee in a nonprofit organization has special responsibilities and authorities above all committees. Most often it can act on behalf of the full board and make decisions between board meetings when needed, or in urgent and crisis circumstances. An executive committee charter is drafted and approved by the board to enact the executive committee’s authority.

Executive Committee Charter Sample (NH Center for Nonprofits)

Executive Committee Charter Sample (Stanford Law School)

Executive Committee Charter Sample (CFA Institute)

Finance Committee Charter

In a nonprofit organization, the finance committee typically oversees balance sheets, investments, and returns. The finance committee charter is drafted and approved by the board of directors to enact the financial committee’s authority.

Finance Committee Charter Sample (Stanford Law School)

Finance Committee Charter Sample (NH Center for Nonprofits)

Finance Committee Charter Sample (Diligent Insights)

Fundraising Advisory Committee Charter

A fundraising advisory committee in a nonprofit organization is a group of individuals who are appointed by the board of directors to advise on matters directly related to fundraising efforts. The fundraising advisory committee charter is drafted and approved by the board to specify the committee’s specific areas of oversight and to enact the committee’s authority.

Fundraising Advisory Charter Sample (Stanford Law School)

Fundraising Advisory Charter Sample (Community Action of Greater Indianapolis)

Governance Committee Charter

The governance committee in a nonprofit is generally a standing committee that takes the lead in reviewing the governance structures and practices, and in offering recommendations to the board. Key responsibilities of the governance committee include: composing a well-rounded board, evaluating the executive director, and conducting annual meetings and audits. The governance committee charter outlines the duties of the governance committee and enacts its authority.

Governance Committee Charter Template (BoardEffect)

Governance Committee Charter Template (Lawyers Clearing House)

Governance Committee Charter Template (NYSA Budget Office)

Governance Committee Charter Sample (Stanford Law School)

Program Committee Charter

A program committee in a nonprofit organization evaluates existing programs, oversees program expansion or development, and facilitates board conversations about its programs. A program committee charter details the committee’s responsibilities and enacts its authority.

Program Committee Charter Sample (NH Center for Nonprofits)

Program Committee Charter Sample (The Forum for Executive Women)

Design Templates

Style Guides

A style guide is a visual overview of a nonprofit’s branding, whether it relates to proper use of your organization’s logo, or something more comprehensive, like a content marketing campaign. A style guide is useful when working with freelancers, vendors, or remote employees because it enforces visual standards your designers can follow, ensuring that no matter who is creating content for you, the look and feel will remain consistent.

Campaign Style Guide Example (Cause Communications)

Identity (Logo) Guidelines Template (Cause Communications)

Donor Management Templates

Donation Data Spreadsheet

If you want to keep your donor data organized and be up-to-date on donations, an excel spreadsheet can be a great way to keep up with contact information, donor status, and more.

Donation Data/ Donor Interaction Spreadsheets (Bloomerang)

Donation Data Template (Wild Apricot)

Donation Receipt

A donation receipt is official documentation of a gift made by a donor. A donation receipt is important because it lets the donor know that their donation has been received and gives the donor important information for tax purposes.

Donation Receipt Template (Wild Apricot)

Donation Receipt Template (Donorbox)

Donation Receipt Form (123FormBuilder)

Donation Receipt Form (EForms)

In-Kind Donation Receipt Sample (Montana Nonprofit Association)

Donor Database Checklist

A donor database is a software solution that houses the most important information you have about your donors. There are many donor database options out there, and this checklist was created to help you choose the right one for your nonprofit.

Choosing a Donor Database Checklist (NeonOne)

Donor Prospect Profile

For nonprofits to successfully convert prospects into actual donors, it’s necessary to develop prospect profiles on your various high-quality giving candidates. A prospect profile will contain relevant data such as contact information, personal history, professional ties, and more to help your nonprofit decide how to best move forward with each potential donor.

Donor Prospect Profile Template (DonorSearch)

Donor Stewardship and Communications Plan

After a donor makes a gift to your nonprofit, it’s important to turn that one-time donation into a recurring one. That’s where a donor stewardship plan comes in handy. A donor stewardship plan is an organizational document that helps you keep a record of communication with each donor, develop strategies to keep donors engaged, and build long-lasting relationships with donors over time.

Donor Stewardship and Communications Plan Template (Qgiv)

Donor Thank You Messages

A thank-you message to your donors expresses appreciation, serves as a receipt, and helps build a stronger relationship with them. To save time, use these templates as your framework (but don’t forget to add your own personal touch!).

Donor Thank You Message Templates, Letter, Email, and In-Kind (Wild Apricot)

Donor Thank You Message Templates, Digital (MobileCause)

Donor Thank You Message Templates, Cards and Letters (MobileCause)

Donor Thank You Message Templates, Email and Video (DonorPerfect)

Lapsed Donor Letter

Reconnecting with lapsed donors can help your nonprofit regain support from donors who, for whatever reason, stopped giving to your organization. This template can help you craft a letter that will rebuild those important donor relationships.

Lapsed Donor Letter Template (Wild Apricot)

Membership Renewal Letter

Does your nonprofit have a membership program? The template below may be a helpful tool when reaching out to current members about renewing their membership status.

Membership Renewal Letter Template (Wild Apricot)

Membership Roster Spreadsheet

If your nonprofit has a membership program, a membership roster is an easy way to keep track of your members and their information. Some examples of what you may find on a membership roster are: names, contact information, whether or not the member is active, payment status, membership level, etc.

Membership Roster Template (Expiration Reminder)

Membership Roster Template (Microsoft Office)

Financial Templates

Annual Budget Checklist

An annual budget is a financial planning tool that reflects a nonprofit’s programs, mission, and strategic plan for the year. This budgeting checklist can help guide the budgeting process.

Annual Budget Checklist (Propel Nonprofits)

Cash Flow Projections Spreadsheet

This Excel worksheet is designed to help nonprofit financial managers translate their operating budget into a detailed cash flow projection over the course of a fiscal year.

Cash Flow Projections Template (Wallace Foundation)

Employee Reimbursement Request Form

When an employee makes a purchase on behalf of your nonprofit, an employee reimbursement form is a standardized way an employee can report expenses and seek to be paid back.

Employee Reimbursement Request Template (National Council of Nonprofits)

Event Budget Spreadsheet

An event budget spreadsheet can help your nonprofit with the process of planning an event. Your event budget will help you track your expenses and revenue – think venue rental, travel costs, vendor expenses, and more. What’s more, an event budget spreadsheet can help your nonprofit keep up with ticket and product sales and get an accurate picture of your overall profit.

Event Budget Templates (Smartsheet)

Event Budget Template (DoJiggy)

Financial Infrastructure Self–Assessment

This self-assessment worksheet will help your nonprofit assess the strengths and possible weak points of your financial infrastructure, and can serve as a jumping-off point for any changes that are needed.

Financial Infrastructure Self-Assessment Worksheet (Wallace Foundation)

Financial Management Policies and Procedures

A financial management policy helps your nonprofit’s financial team clarify roles, streamline practices, and detail responsibilities for financial management activities and decisions.

Financial Policies and Procedures Template (Blue Avocado)

Financial Policies and Procedures Sample (Montana Nonprofit Association)

Fiscal Management Activities Calendar

This editable calendar will help your nonprofit keep track of all the financial management activities it may carry out over the course of a year, including internal reporting, external reporting, the annual audit, and budget development

Fiscal Management Activities Calendar Template (Wallace Foundation)

Program-Based Budget Builder

This customizable template will help your nonprofit formulate its budget in relation to how it spends money on programs and events.

Program-Based Budget Builder (Wallace Foundation)

Program-Based Budget Builder Overview (Wallace Foundation)

Revenue Scenario Planning Tool

You can’t predict your nonprofit’s financial future, but you can project the possibilities to help aid in financial planning. This excel template was designed to help nonprofit leaders project best-, moderate-, and worst-case revenue scenarios to help prepare for any financial future.

Revenue Scenario Planning Tool Template (Wallace Foundation)

Statement of Financial Position (Balance Sheet)

A nonprofit’s statement of financial position reports the organization’s assets and liabilities in some order of when the assets will turn to cash and when the liabilities need to be paid.

Year-End Financial Statement Sample (VLAA)

Fundraising Templates

Annual Campaign Plan

One of the most important revenue streams your nonprofit organization can have is the annual fund. The annual fund is defined as an organized effort to obtain gifts on a yearly basis to support, at least in part, general operations of a nonprofit organization. An annual campaign plan sets specific goals and strategies for the fundraising team over the next year.

Annual Development Plan Checklist (SalsaLabs)

Annual Campaign Plan Checklist (NeonOne)

Capital Campaign Checklist/Timeline

Running a capital campaign is a daunting task for any nonprofit. Once you’ve determined that a capital campaign is right for your nonprofit, you’ll need to get organized. There are a number of steps that you have to take to properly plan your capital campaign, and this capital campaign checklist/timeline will help you start the process.

Capital Campaign Checklist/Timeline (Capital Campaign Toolkit)

Crowdfunding Campaign Tools

If your nonprofit is planning on running a crowdfunding campaign for your next fundraiser, these tools can help your fundraising team set goals, make a schedule, and stay organized.

Crowdfunding Campaign Sample Calendar (GlobalGiving)

Crowdfunding Campaign Calendar and Checklist (Indiegogo)

Crowdfunding Campaign Messages and Templates (DonorPerfect)

Day of Giving Templates

A giving day in a nonprofit is a 24-hour, online fundraising event that is meant to spark donations and raise public awareness for your organization’s mission. Below are templates that can help your nonprofit successfully plan and implement your next giving day.

Day of Giving Action Plan (MobileCause)

Day of Giving Message Templates (MobileCause)

Donation Form (Mail)

If your nonprofit requests donations by mail, here are some samples and templates to help design yours.

Donation Form Template (Vertex42)

Donation Form Template, Standard (Fundly)

Donation Form Template (SampleTemplates)

Donation Form (Digital)

Since the majority of donations occur online these days, it’s important to have a well-designed donation form for your nonprofit’s website. Explore these donation form templates to decide which layout works for your nonprofit.

Donation Form Templates (Qgiv)

Donation Form Template (Formsite)

Donation Form Template (123FormBuilder)

Donation Form Template (Formplus)

Fundraising Bingo Card

A fundraising bingo card is a creative way to boost donor engagement and donations by offering up prizes and other incentives to participants in your next fundraising campaign. This card was created with peer-to-peer fundraising in mind, but the template is customizable to fit a wide variety of needs for your nonprofit.

Fundraising Bingo Card Template (Qgiv)

Fundraiser Planning

There are lots of fundraising options for nonprofits nowadays. Regardless of which type of fundraising works best for your nonprofit, you have to be organized to be successful. See the free fundraising calendars + checklists below to set clear fundraising goals and keep your next fundraiser on track.

2021 Summer Fundraising Calendar (Funraise)

Fundraising Plan Template (Wild Apricot)

Annual Fundraising Calendar Template (MobileCause)

Annual Fundraising Plan Templates for Universities (MobileCause)

Fundraising Calendar and Goals Worksheet (CauseVox)

Fundraising Checklist Template (MobileCause)

Fundraiser Event Planning

Pulling off a fundraising event requires a large amount of planning and preparation. These tools will help your nonprofit plan, schedule, and implement your next fundraising event.

Event Planning Course + Templates (Funraise)

Event Planning Calendar + Checklist (MobileCause)

Event Planning Checklist (Cause Communications)

Virtual Event Calendar Template (MobileCause)

Virtual Event Checklist Template (MobileCause)

Fundraising Event Live Appeal Scripts

These customizable live appeal templates can help you craft the perfect “big ask” at your nonprofit’s next fundraising event.

Live Fundraising Appeal Script Templates (MobileCause)

Fundraising Letter (Mail)

If your nonprofit utilizes direct mail when fundraising, these samples and templates can help get you started.

Fundraising Letter Template and Samples (Donorbox)

Donation Letter Template and Sample (Wild Apricot)

Fundraising Letter Samples (The Balance)

Gift Range Calculator

A gift range calculator is an online tool that allows you to enter a monetary goal for your fundraising campaign, and see how many gifts you will need to raise at each level in order to meet your goal.

Gift Range Calculator (Sumac)

Gift Range Calculator (Fundraising Coach/Nonprofit Academy)

Gift Range Calculator (AboveGoal)

Monthly Giving Emails

Monthly giving is an essential part of fundraising for nonprofits. Whether your monthly giving program and recurring donor email campaigns need just a few tweaks, or you’re starting from scratch, these email templates can help you leverage your emails to achieve maximum impact.

Monthly Giving Email Templates (NeonOne)

Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Benchmarks

If your nonprofit relies heavily on peer-to-peer fundraising campaigns, it may be helpful to take stock of how successfully your campaigns are performing compared to the average campaign. Use this worksheet to help identify how your nonprofit stacks up — then celebrate strengths and address weaknesses.

Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Benchmarks Template (Classy)

Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Tools

Help your peer-to-peer fundraiser participants achieve success by providing them with these useful resources. Participants will feel more confident as they begin the fundraising process and your nonprofit will likely get more of the donations it needs.

Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Calendar + Social Media Templates (Funraise)

Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Tip Sheet Template (Qgiv)

Pledge Card/Form

A donation pledge is the promise a donor makes to give a certain amount of money toward a project or campaign.

Pledge Card Template (Bloomerang)

Pledge Form Template (The Moran Company)

Silent Auction Tools

A silent auction can be a great way to raise funds for your nonprofit. Below are templates for various items you might need for your organization’s next silent auction, including a bidding form, registration sheet, and item description sheet.

Silent Auction Templates (Wild Apricot)

Year-End Fundraising Checklist

The end of the year is a top fundraising season for nonprofits. Use this checklist to help set your campaign’s focus, engage your supporters to the max, and increase donations as the year comes to a close.

Year-End Fundraising Checklist Template (Classy)

Year-End Fundraising Checklist Template (TechImpact)

Year-End Fundraising Messages

Communicate clearly and efficiently with your supporters during your year-end giving campaign using these free templates.

Year-End Fundraising Email Templates (Funraise)

Year-End Fundraising Digital Message Templates (MobileCause)

Year-End Giving Appeal Message Templates (MobileCause)

Year-End Giving Letter Template and Sample (Wild Apricot)

Giving Tuesday Templates

Giving Tuesday Campaign Plan

For most nonprofits, #GivingTuesday is the biggest giving day of the year. Get organized with a campaign plan specifically designed for the day!

Giving Tuesday Campaign Plan Template (Classy)

Giving Tuesday Campaign Timeline and Communications Template (NeonOne)

Giving Tuesday Calendar and Communications Templates (Funraise)

Giving Tuesday Fundraising Playbook (Constant Contact)

Giving Tuesday Digital Messages

Get your subscribers excited about #GivingTuesday and maximize giving potential with these helpful communication templates surrounding one of the biggest days of giving for your nonprofit.

Giving Tuesday Digital Message Templates 1 (MobileCause)

Giving Tuesday Digital Message Templates 2 (MobileCause)

Giving Tuesday Email Template, Save-the-Date (Qgiv)

Giving Tuesday Email Templates, General (Qgiv)

Giving Tuesday Social Media Templates (Qgiv)

Giving Tuesday Text Templates (Qgiv)

Giving Tuesday Logos

Free graphics and logos for your nonprofit to use in your #GivingTuesday campaign.

Giving Tuesday Logos (

Giving Tuesday Master Checklist

Use this master checklist to stay on track and align your team around your goals as you plan your Giving Tuesday campaign.

Giving Tuesday Master Checklist Template (Classy)

Giving Tuesday Save-the-Date Postcard

Send a physical reminder to your supporters about Giving Tuesday without spending precious time on design.

Giving Tuesday Save-the-Date Postcard Template (Qgiv)

Giving Tuesday Save-the-Date Postcard Template (Classy)

Internal Operations Templates

Donor Management Data Entry Policies and Procedures

If you have multiple staff members entering donor information into your database, you need a policy document to provide clear instructions on how to format that information. Without consistent formatting, your donor reports won’t run accurately. After all, who wants to comb through all of that information by hand?

Donor Management Data Entry Policy Template (Bloomerang)

Marketing/Communications Templates

Communications Effectiveness Quiz

This online quiz is a quick, easy way to assess your nonprofit’s communication strengths and weaknesses.

Communications Effectiveness Quiz (Cause Communications)

Cost/Benefit Chart for Select Media

One important aspect of reaching your target audience with your nonprofit’s message is matching the right tools to the right job. This chart was created to help your nonprofit identify the cost, reach, and best use of various media.

Cost and Benefit Chart for Select Media (Cause Communications)

Editorial Calendar

An editorial calendar is a visual tool that can help your nonprofit keep all of your content organized – from external communication with donors and the community to internal communication with staff and volunteers. An editorial calendar can help your nonprofit get a better handle on content, media, and scheduling so you know what you’re going to share and when you’re going to share it.

Editorial Calendar Template (Qgiv)

Email Metrics Guide

Email metrics measure how people are engaging with your nonprofit’s email content. Find out which metrics you need to be tracking — and how to track them — to get a sense of how your emails are performing with readers.

Email Metrics Guidebook (Nonprofit Marketing Guide)

Holiday Digital Messages

Connect with your supporters during the holidays by sending them a special message via email or social media.

Holiday Digital Message Templates (MobileCause)

Marketing Plan Development Tools

How effective is your nonprofit’s marketing strategy? These free tools will help you examine your existing marketing strategy and develop a better marketing plan.

Marketing Plan Template (Wild Apricot)

Digital Marketing Checklist Worksheet (Classy)

Marketing Scorecard

A marketing scorecard is one way of organizing your marketing metrics to determine where your nonprofit is succeeding and where it’s failing in its marketing efforts.

Marketing Scorecard Template (Nonprofit Megaphone)

Text Messages

For the modern donor, text messaging is often the preferred mode of communication. Below are templates that will ease the process of crafting various text messages your nonprofit might need.

Text-to-Give Samples (Funraise)

Text Message Templates (Qgiv)

Partnership Templates

Corporate Rating Worksheet

This short questionnaire can help your nonprofit gauge the likelihood that a corporation will give to your organization.

Corporate Rating Worksheet (The Moran Company)

Sponsorship Letters

Sponsorship is a form of support nonprofits receive from businesses or other organizations for an event or project. To help you start securing sponsors more quickly, browse the various templates below.

Sponsorship Letter Templates (Wild Apricot)

Personnel Templates

Annual Assessment of the Executive Director

Evaluating your nonprofit’s executive director on a yearly basis helps to document both their successes and their shortcomings, and helps the executive director identify any areas that require either personal improvement or better communication. Typically, a committee of the board (often the board officers) leads the evaluation process, reports on the evaluation to the entire board, and recommends salary for the next year.

Assessment of the ED Template (Center for Nonprofit Leadership)

Bookkeeper Job Description

A nonprofit bookkeeper enters income and expense data into an accounting system. Depending on the size and nature of your nonprofit, a bookkeeper may also process payments, pay bills, assist with year-end audits and tax preparation, or perform other clerical work.

Bookkeeper Job Description Template (Missionbox)

Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Job Description

The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) directly oversees all financial aspects of a nonprofit. The CFO reports to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and provides direction and support for internal operations, staffing, programs, and any new business developments as they relate to the budget. The specific duties of a CFO may vary across organizations depending on the nonprofit’s budget size and the complexity of its programs.

CFO Job Description Template (Missionbox)

CFO Job Description Template, General (Workable)

CFO Job Description Template, Small Organization (Bridgespan)

CFO Job Description Template, Med Organization (Bridgespan)

CFO Job Description Template, Large Organization (Bridgespan)

CFO Job Description Template, Complex Funding (Bridgespan)

Chief Operating Officer (COO) Job Description

A chief operating officer in a nonprofit makes sure that an organization’s operations are running smoothly and are in line with the organization’s overall mission. The COO is an executive-level employee who manages teams, oversees programs and facilities, monitors internal processes such as staffing and budgeting, and even participates in financial planning. The specific role of a COO may vary greatly across organizations based on the nonprofit’s strategic goals, infrastructure, and culture.

COO Job Description Template, Operations/Administration (Bridgespan)

COO Job Description Template, Generalist (Bridgespan)

COO Job Description Template, Program-Focused (Bridgespan)

COO Job Description Template, Strategy/Operations (Bridgespan)

Controller Job Description

A controller in a nonprofit is responsible for collecting and analyzing the organization’s financial data. The controller may perform a variety of accounting tasks, including payroll processing, financial reporting, and budgeting. They typically report to the CFO (if there is one) who utilizes this information to inform the nonprofit’s financial strategy.

Controller Job Description Template (Missionbox)

Controller Job Description Template (Bridgespan)

National Controller Job Description Template (Bridgespan)

Controller Job Description Template (Workable)

Controller Job Description Sample (LinkedIn)

Deputy Director Job Description

A deputy director in a nonprofit is second-in-command to the executive director and manages the organization in their absence. The deputy director helps oversee everything internal; they typically supervise various departments, develop and oversee budgets, oversee organizational communication, help coordinate programs, and assist in overall strategic planning.

Deputy Director Job Description Template (Bridgespan)

Director of Finance and Administration Job Description

The director of administration and finance in a nonprofit is responsible for managing the organization’s cash flow, providing strategic business planning, overseeing budgets, and managing various administrative duties. A finance director ensures all of the nonprofit’s financial activities comply with the law and implements internal audits. They typically report directly to the CFO (if there is one). A finance director has similar responsibilities to a CFO, but they are not part of the top executive team.

Director of Finance and Administration Job Description Template (Bridgespan)

Managing Director of Finance and Administration Job Description Template (Bridgespan)

Email Job Announcement

Reach out to your network and find qualified candidates using this email job announcement.

Email Job Announcement Sample (Bridgespan)

Emergency Succession Plan

What would happen if your nonprofit was faced with the unexpected and sudden departure of your executive director? Adopting an Emergency Succession Plan can help you ensure that essential functions continue uninterrupted by outlining a plan for the appointment of an acting executive director.

Emergency Succession Plan Template (Center for Nonprofit Advancement)

Employee Exit Interview

When an employee leaves your nonprofit, an exit interview can help you do the following: identify strengths and weaknesses in your organization, get an idea of the kind of skill sets you need from your next hire, and maintain a positive relationship with the employee.

Employee Exit Interview Template (Center for Nonprofit Leadership)

Executive Assistant Job Description

An executive assistant in a nonprofit is the primary point person for the Executive Director or President/CEO and is their representative to the public. They serve as the liaison between management and the board of directors, staff, and volunteers. The executive assistant oversees internal communications, may assist with HR responsibilities, and will most likely help with fund development.

Executive Assistant Job Description Template (Missionbox)

Executive Director Contract

When hiring a new executive director to your nonprofit, a contract can be a useful document that helps lay out expectations and ultimately lays the groundwork for a successful relationship between your board and new executive director.

Executive Director Contract Template (Mission Capital)

Executive Director Job Description

The executive director in a nonprofit is responsible for general management, evaluating programs, and sometimes developing a national expansion plan. This sample job description shares how one smaller-sized, growing, multi-site nonprofit organization configured the role of executive director.

Executive Director Job Description Template (Missionbox)

Executive Director Job Description Template, Small Organization (Bridgespan)

Executive Director Job Description Sample (The Moran Company)

Organization Overview

The organization overview is the section in your nonprofit’s job posting that shares key information about your organization so that interested candidates can get a better understanding of your nonprofit’s history, mission, and goals.

Organization Overview Template (Bridgespan)

President Job Description

The role of president in a nonprofit is to ensure successful achievement of the nonprofit’s long-term goals and vision by focusing on the organization’s core functions, such as: overall strategy, finance, board management, fundraising, and programs.

President Job Description Template, Medium Organization (Bridgespan)

Program Management Job Descriptions

Program management roles at a nonprofit can differ based on the skill and experience required. At larger nonprofits, a vice president of programs may have an executive-level role that is similar to that of the executive director. Areas of oversight may include fundraising, program development and delivery, budget and team management, and public speaking and relationship management. At a smaller nonprofit, the program manager may have a smaller role that focuses primarily on program management.

Vice President, Programs Job Description Template (Bridgespan)

Vice President of Regional Programs and Operations JD Template (Bridgespan)

Director of Programs Job Description Template (Bridgespan)

Vice President Job Description

The vice president in a nonprofit has the general role of helping to develop and enforce policies and initiatives within the organization that ensure it stays in line with its mission and meets its goals. The vice president works under the direction of the president or the board and manages employees and day-to-day operations. Depending on the organization’s specific needs, responsibilities may include: hiring staff, staff development, managing teams to coordinate community outreach and fundraisers, overseeing and maintaining finances, and helping with overall strategic planning.

Vice President, Finance and Operations Job Description Template (Bridgespan)

Vice President, Development Job Description Template (Bridgespan)

Planning Templates

Annual Nonprofit Calendar

For every nonprofit, each year holds a myriad of events, campaigns, programs, and other initiatives that need to be scheduled. This calendar was designed to help you easily view each month and keep everything on track.

2021 Nonprofit Calendar (NeonOne)

Resource Development Plan

A resource development plan is an all-inclusive organizational document that helps nonprofits to: set goals for fundraising, achieve collaborative partnerships, and cultivate a long-term vision that focuses on holistic growth. A resource development plan can help your nonprofit set these important goals and also track progress towards attaining them.

Resource Development Plan Template (Bloomerang)

Project Plan

A project plan is an organizational document that helps nonprofits set actionable steps to accomplish a particular project – whether it’s creating a product, providing a service, or producing a result.

Project Planning Chart Template (CoreStrategies for Nonprofits)

Planning for Goal Achievement Chart (CoreStrategies for Nonprofits)

Strategic Plan

A strategic plan is an organizational document your nonprofit can use to get everyone — from your board, to your leadership, to your staff — on the same page about your nonprofit’s current standing and its future goals. Strategic planning is meant to help nonprofits create actionable goals while figuring out the best way to increase effectiveness and maximize impact moving forward.

Strategic Plan Templates (BridgeSpan)

Strategic Plan Toolkit (Washington Nonprofit Institute)

Strategic Plan Template (SME)

Strategic Plan Template (Growthink)

Strategic Plan Template (iPlanner)

Strategic Plan Template (Smartsheet)

Strategic Plan Template (

Strategic Plan Samples (

Strategic Plan Template (FormSwift)

Strategic Plan Framework (Management Help)

Sample Strategic Planning Timeline (Washington Nonprofits)

Policy and Agreement Templates

Audit Policy

An audit policy describes the standards and guidelines a nonprofit uses when conducting internal audits or going through an external audit by a public accounting firm. This policy helps ensure that the audit committee and auditor know and understand their roles in the audit process.

Audit Policy Template (NH Center for Nonprofits)

Board Compensation Policy

A board compensation policy details how much and how often the members of a board of directors will receive compensation from the nonprofit organization they serve.

Board Compensation Policy Template (CoreStrategies for Nonprofits)

Board Giving Policy

A board giving policy sets annual standards of giving for members of the board.

Board Giving Policy Sample (VLAA)

Board Governance Policy

A board governance policy outlines the requirements the board must meet in practicing good governance for a nonprofit organization. The concept of “good governance” generally relates to practices that provide good leadership, require accountability, and promote ethical practices across the organization.

Board Governance Policy (Montana Nonprofit Association)

Board Member Participation Via Electronic Media Policy

This policy details guidelines and restrictions for board members who choose to participate in meetings via electronic media.

Board Member Participation Template (CoreStrategies for Nonprofits)

Board Member Removal Policy

This policy details the reasons for which a board member may be subject to removal from a nonprofit’s board of directors, as well as a brief description of the removal process.

Board Member Removal Policy Template (CoreStrategies for Nonprofits)

Conflict of Interest Policy

A conflict of interest policy lays out procedures to follow when a board member’s personal interests conflict (or appear to conflict) with the board’s interests. For example, a conflict of interest would arise if a board considered entering into a business transaction with a board member. The policy should require an annual disclosure (linked below) from each board member.

Conflict of Interest Policy Template (NH Center for Nonprofits)

Conflict of Interest Policy Template (VLAA)

Conflict of Interest Policy Template (Stanford Law School)

Conflict of Interest Policy Template (Compass Point)

Conflict of Interest Policy Sample (MNA)

Conflict of Interest Policy Template (CoreStrategies for Nonprofits)

Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form Template (CoreStrategies for Nonprofits)

Annual Disclosure Questionnaire Sample (Stanford Law School)

Gift Acceptance Policy

A gift acceptance policy in a nonprofit details the types of gifts (cash, in-kind, etc.) the organization accepts and whether or not any approval is required.

Gift Acceptance Policy Template (VLAA)

Gift Acceptance Policy Template and Guidelines (Bloomerang)

Gift Acceptance Policy Templates (Nonprofit Risk Management Center)

Gift Acceptance Policy Sample (College Art Association)

Record Retention and Destruction Policy

A record retention policy in a nonprofit aims to reduce the risk that important documents will be inappropriately destroyed. The policy details the responsibilities of staff, volunteers, board members, and outsiders for maintaining and documenting the storage and destruction of all documents and records pertaining to your nonprofit. Document retention is a required practice for all corporations, including nonprofits.

Record Retention and Destruction Policy Template (VLAA)

Record Retention Policy Template (Stanford Law School)

Document Destruction and Retention Policy Template (NH Center for Nonprofits)

Document Destruction and Retention Policy Sample (Center for Nonprofit Leadership)

Retention of Records Policy Template (CoreStrategies for Nonprofits)

Whistleblower Policy

A whistleblower policy in a nonprofit encourages board members, staff, and volunteers to come forward if they acquire knowledge of illegal practices or policy violations within the organization. A whistleblower policy also protects the individual who comes forward from retaliation.

Whistleblower Policy Template (VLAA)

Whistleblower Policy Template (Stanford Law School)

Whistleblower Policy Template (NH Center for Nonprofits)

Whistleblower Policy Template (Center for Nonprofit Leadership)

Survey Templates

Donor Commitment Survey

A donor commitment survey is a great way to gauge the level of commitment your existing donors have to your cause. This survey is a great way to maintain donor relationships by getting direct feedback.

Donor Commitment Survey Template (Bloomerang)

Donor Intimacy Survey

The closeness that donors feel with your nonprofit is a significant driver of their loyalty and repeated engagement and giving. A donor intimacy survey can help your nonprofit gauge donor wellbeing and how good your donors feel about continuing to support your organization

Donor Intimacy Survey Template (Bloomerang).

Donor Satisfaction Survey

A donor satisfaction survey helps your nonprofit understand, in general, how satisfied your donors are with how they have been treated in the relationship.

Donor Satisfaction Survey Template (Qgiv)

Donor Satisfaction Survey Example (Lakeland Volunteers in Medicine)

Donor Trust Survey

Most donors find it difficult to know whether the money they gave is actually supporting the work nonprofits set out to do. A donor trust survey can help your nonprofit gauge the level of trust donors have in your organization to spend their money wisely.

Donor Trust Survey Template (Bloomerang)

Event Feedback Survey

After your nonprofit throws a fundraising event, it’s a good idea to follow up with attendees and get their feedback.

Event Feedback Survey Template (Qgiv)

Event Feedback Survey Template (Survs)

Event Feedback Survey Template (123FormBuilder)

Event Feedback Survey Template (Wufoo)

Existing Donor Survey

With existing donors, it’s important that nonprofits check in from time to time on the temperature of the relationship, and an existing donor survey can help with this. Don’t miss out on important donor feedback that could lead to additional gifts or increased engagement.

Existing Donor Survey Template (Survey Monkey)

Existing Donor Survey Template (SoGoSurvey)

Lapsed Donor Survey

The recapture rate on lapsed donors is around 5%. A dedicated lapsed donor survey is a great way to re-engage donors who have stopped giving.

Lapsed Donor Template (Bloomerang)

Member Satisfaction Survey

If your nonprofit runs programs that include membership, it may be helpful to check in with members from time to time and gauge how happy they are with your services.

Member Satisfaction Survey Template (Wild Apricot)

New Donor Survey

First-time donors have the lowest retention rates of any donor frequency. It’s imperative that you secure a second gift, and one of the best ways to do that is to find out how your donors feel about you in the first days of the relationship by using a new donor survey.

New Donor Survey Example (WWF Canada)

By Emily Baxley