“Since working with Nonprofit Megaphone, the Chattanooga Zoo has continuously seen new website visitors with a click-through rate that is over two times the industry average. Working with them is great and the results easily show the success of our partnership.”
Hannah Hammon, Chattanooga Zoo
Why We Care
We asked our team why they were passionate about the Environment. Responses included:
The environment gives us everything we need to survive, I think it’s foolish to neglect that and turn our back on our planet. By taking care of our environment today we are ensuring a better future for the children of tomorrow.
According to the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, at the current rate of greenhouse emissions, the planet is on course to increase in global temperature by 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit by 2030, which precepts the risk of extreme drought, wildfires, floods and food shortages for hundreds of millions of people. I am passionate about the environment because I believe the human race has a responsibility to keep this planet inhabitable, not only for ourselves, but for our generations to come.